domingo, 17 de junio de 2012

tutorial time table

here you have a simple tutorial on how to make a time table with a writter of open office, luck! 1.First you have to create a new document by clicking on FILE, selecting new, and then picking “Text Document.” 2. To create a new table, click TABLE >INSERT>TABLE 3. a window will open and you have to select the number of COLUMS and ROWS that you want. 4. The the table will appear which you can adjust. 5.If you click on the cells of the table, you can start to complete your timetable


we had to explain a thing of the technologies of information and communication (TIC)and I explained satellites, and I leave here my writter of satellites! I hope you like!
we had to make a logo with the program GIMP and I chose this because I found it interesting and is the logo of chupa-chups!
in this project we had to make a one person with body parts each of the class, and this is mine! I hope you enjoy!
with GIMP (photo retouching program) I had to put my face in a famous and I chose Angelina's Jolie face!


we have done a execise with open office calc, we had to do the list of book with and with some discounts ( large family, complete `package and others) and we knew how many had to pay each student.

sábado, 16 de junio de 2012


I made this portable openoffice impress with and I talked about my mother country (Dominican Republic) I hope you like!